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3 minutes of air for my brain

Sunset Run

"I never have time to update myself!" ... Yet scientific literature can be fun, and allows us to face our approach with patients in a different way .. But we can not spend hours sitting in front of the PC or smartphone or we would end up for how Leopardi, who alas Silvia only dreamed of ...

And, then, I got an idea: why not take advantage of our travels by car or public transport or, better, a healthy walk outdoors, while we listen to a bit of scientific update mixed with a bit of good mood? Try and tell me what you think ..

If you are looking for creative ideas, go on foot. Angels whisper to man when he goes for a walk.
(Raymond I. Myers)

Voyager PAD. Benefits greater than risks.

voyager padVascular Tonello
00:00 / 05:39

Varices. If you don't heat them how do you do it?

Controversie nel trattamento dell'IVC.mpVascular Tonello
00:00 / 02:56

Fibromuscular dysplasia. Aspirin or not?

La Displasia FibromuscolareArtist Name
00:00 / 06:51

It is not true that we have little time.

The truth is, we waste a lot of it.

Lucio Anneo Seneca

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